Yogas Formed By Moon

Our great Rishis and seers developed a system of analyzing and predicting the nature of an individual and also the possible event that may take place in his life by studying certain specific planetary combinations of planets in a chart. There are various yogas in Indian Astrology. Some important yogas based on the position of Moon are analyzed herein: 

SUNAFA YOGA Sunafa Yoga is formed when there is/are some planet/planets (except Sun, Rahu and Ketu) in the second house from Moon. This yoga is considered auspicious giving prosperity, intelligence, wealth, positive attitude and happy life to a native. The native is a self made person. He attains everything in life by virtue of his hard work. If benefics are involved in this yoga, the result will be stronger. In case of malefic planets, the auspicious result will be reduced or there will not be any good result. 

ANAFA YOGA Anafa Yoga is formed when there is/are some planet/planets (except Sun, Rahu and Ketu) in the twelfth house from Moon. This Yoga is considered auspicious and gives many positive qualities to its native. The native has good health with magnetic personality. He may be famous and respected in the society. He gets the support of government authorities. He also has lot of patience and leads a happy life. Mars in this Yoga gives a person leadership qualities and power. Mercury makes him skilled in communications. Jupiter makes the native religious, knowledgeable and involved in charitable activities. Venus may make a person a womanizer and fond of sexual art. Saturn may lead to difficulties and presence of the nodes may create problematic life. 

DURUDHARA YOGA Durudhara Yoga is formed when there are planets (except Sun, Rahu and Ketu) on either side of Moon i.e. planets are placed in second house and twelfth house from the Moon. Actually when both Sunafa and Anafa yogas are present in the chart, Durudhara Yoga is automatically formed. This is considered an auspicious yoga and makes its native rich and provides all the materialistic comforts by virtue of his hard work. He gets fame in the society. Such a person is trustworthy and intelligent. The result of this yoga depends on the nature of planets involved in this Yoga. The benefics will give better and strong effect while malefic may give negative or no result. If surrounded by benefics, the native will be attractive, pure heart, religious, renowned, rich, happy, clever, satisfied, courageous and knowledgeable. He will enjoy high status and all the comforts of life. He will be sincere and will be surrounded by the sincere friends and relatives. Malefic will give negative results and may make the native cruel, womanizer, greedy and surrounded by wicked people and enemies. Apart from the nature of the planets forming this Yoga, the power and degree of such planets should be analyzed along with the lordship of the houses they represent. The benefics but the lords of bad houses may not be able to give desired results. 

KEMA DRUMA YOGA Kema Druma Yoga is formed when there is no planet (except Sun, Rahu and Ketu) on either side of Moon. Moon does not get any support from other planets. The Moon becomes alone and weak. The native will also lead a lonely, unsatisfied and difficult life.